Dr. Linda Gornitsky Volunteer of the Year Linda Gornitsky moved to Stamford from Montreal, Canada over 38 years ago, and she has been committed to the community ever since! Her first UJF involvement was sitting on the Gorney Commission, joining the UJF board thereafter, and has been a board member for over 20 years. During that time, Linda served on, and chaired, the Allocations Committee, and was Vice President of Strategic Planning. After her presidency at JFS, Linda came back to UJF and served on the Governance and Granting committees. Today, she is Vice President of the Advisory Council, and continues to take an active role in the new granting process.
Along with her dedication to UJF, Linda has served three terms on Agudath Sholom's board, held many positions on the board of the Glades Zales Chapter of Hadassah including co-President, and served on the Board of JFS for over 16 years with three of those as President. She helped fund, and was on the board of, an organization called Autism360. |
Linda's involvement with volunteerism extends to her professional life as well. Her firm, LBG Associates is one of the foremost authorities on corporate volunteerism in the country, having designed many employee engagement strategies and published over five landmark studies on the subject.
Linda lives at home with her husband, Harvey Weber. She has two sons, Ian who lives in Manhattan and is engaged to fiancé Weiyi and Marc who lives in Westport, CT with his wife Erica, and son Ethan. Congratulations Linda on your well-deserved honor.